Thursday, January 5, 2012

Joe McNally on shooting with the Nikon D4

 Joe McNally on shooting with the Nikon D4
Joe McNally has a post on his blog on shooting with the Nikon D4. He was impressed by:

"File detail and forgiveness in the shadows.
Responsiveness of the camera in terms of intuitively good exposures and autofocus.
Video quality and new features.  Wow.  We’re in the final stages of post right now for what we shot.  Check back sometime next week for the full scoop.  It’s a game changer.
New rocker buttons for moving the auto-focus cursor.
Ease of shifting the auto-focus modes.
Size and clarity of the lcd.
The fact that I dropped one and it kept working.
Plus, none of us had tried to light an elephant with an SB-910 and a Lastolite tri-grip before."
And  to answer your question Joe, as you probably know, the Nikon D800 is coming icon smile Joe McNally on shooting with the Nikon D4

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